No. of Partners: 1
Coordinating Company: Enzymlogic.S.L.
Funding Institution: European Union
Period: 2022-2024
The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, through CDTI (Spanish Innovation Agency), has funded Enzymlogic’s project “KINETICfinder®: changing the way medicines are discovered” (grant agreement SoE-20211014), within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan financed by European Union (NextGenerationEU).
This grant aims to support Spanish companies that have received the Seal of Excellence, a quality label awarded by the European Commission to proposals which have been assessed under the EIC Accelerator instrument and are deemed to comply with the quality requirements but could not be funded due to budgetary constraints. The Seal of Excellence certificate recognizes the value of the proposal and helps other funding bodies take advantage of the high quality Commission evaluation process.
The EIC Accelerator is a funding instrument, designed for deep-tech companies and start-ups, which identify and support breakthrough technologies and game-changing innovations with the potential to scale up internationally and become market leaders.
The overall goal of this project is to broaden KINETICfinder® to relevant targets involved in chronic diseases. KINETICfinder® is a robust, accurate and reproducible platform that enables kinetic analysis at scale in the early research stages, when the failure rate is high and thousands of potential drugs are under scrutiny. KINETICfinder® allows pharma companies to preselect the drugs with the greatest possibilities to reach the market.